We'll build In-House AI Sales Agents into Your Business that Will Fill Your Sales Pipeline With Qualified Prospects On Auto-pilot

Scale Your Growth Without Hiring, Training and Managing More Sales Reps or Appointment Setters


Watch Our AI Call Agent Contact Leads, Start Conversations, Answer Questions, handle customer support enquiries, Pre-qualify Leads, Agree on Time Slots and Turn Hot Leads Into Booked Appointments in Real Time


Here are some of the other things you'll be able to do once you partner with us

Turn unresponsive leads into hot prospects

Stop letting your advertising efforts go to waste! Start real phone conversations with potential buyers at the peak of their buying journey. And guide them towards your solution.

Fill Your Calendar With Hot Leads

Human appointment setters are great. But they often forget scripts, make mistakes or have bad days.

Our AI call Agent will nurture your leads, book appointments without ever forgetting or having a bad day.

Save time wasted answering repeated questions

Build a Knowledge-base about your brand, your services, pricing ranges, policies, sales objections or anything else needed to answer questions from prospects before they find your competitors.

Automate the bulk of your customer acquisition and customer service with our AI Call Agent who will never forget scripts, always show up and never have a bad day.

Become Known For your Customer Support

Say someone calls you at 2am. No problem. Respond to your future (or existing) customers like you provide 24/7 customer support. Answering their fears and doubts about your service.

Gain Key Insights Into Sales Performance

Get unprecedented access to sales intel by looking into call recordings and transcripts. Know exactly what can be improved. Speed things up with auto-generated call summaries.

Our AI call Agent will call your leads, converse like a real human, qualify, check availability in real-time and book appointments on your calendar on auto-pilot

Without forgetting scripts or having a bad day. And at a fraction of the cost of hiring and managing appointment setters.

Other Industry Leading Features

Sales Scripting

Own sales enablement scripts that will engage your prospects by entering conversations they're already having about your service. Then educate them and guide them towards your service on auto-pilot.

24/7 Customer Service

Stop being limited by regular working hours. People who contact your business out of hours are still interested. Our AI agent will answer your calls rather than losing them out to competitors.

AI Appointment Booking

Your AI caller will contact your leads, qualify them and book appointments with prospects in real time while on the call.

In House Sales Knowledge-base

The beauty of building this system fully in-house is your AI will begin to develop a better understanding of your customer. Helping them answer more questions and make more sales.

Live Call Transfer

Automatically get inbound calls every time a lead is ready to talk and when they schedule on your calendar.

Increase Show Up Rates

Send your booked leads timely reminders about upcoming calls to increase show up rates and sales conversions.

7 Channel Automated Follow Up

Automatically message leads across multiple channels including SMS, Email, Voicemail, Calls, Facebook Messenger and more.

Advanced Reporting

Easily see how well your campaigns and sales team are performing so that you can increase your opportunities.

Incoming Calls

Never miss a call from prospects ever again. Our AI call can learn about your business in seconds, take inbound calls from customers and answer all their questions with ease.

We'll integrate our system into yours so you can start getting results without changing the way you work

What's Now Possible

Could your story be here?

I would give them a 5 out of 5 stars! It's extremely easy to use even if you're not tech-savvy, it's effective and I recommend it to all my clients!


Christian Kuzdub

Kuzdub Consulting

The campaigns are so simple & easy to manage... It's unbelievable.


Joel Karnston


I have used different marketing automation platforms and this is now the best one I can recommend for most SMEs.


Janiece Nicolette

Komo Consulting

Upfront Pricing

We don't hide behind complicated pricing structures, set-up fees or retainers.

Instead get simple upfront pricing with clear deliverables.

In-House AI Build Out

Important: We can only take on clients we know this will work for. So please book a call first to find out if this is going to be right for your business.

  • AI outbound calling agent build-out that will call your inbound leads and - book appointments or do live transfers.

  • AI inbound agent build-out that can take calls and answer questions about your service 24/7.

  • SMS database reactivation AI agent that will turn your old leads into booked appointments

  • Objection handling knowledge-base so your AI can easily overcome typical sales objections and answer common questions.

  • Qualification criteria selection - only speak with your most ideal prospects.

  • 3x Pre-Sales video assets to double your show up rates and increase sales conversions.

  • Message and offer refinement - make it easier for your prospects to say yes.

  • Refine, test and validate winning script/sequence - We'll train your AI to handle all calls with tact.

  • Internal and live testing with real leads - So you can easily manage everything once handed over.

  • Reporting and call recording system set up so you can track and keep improving sales performance over time.

  • Create Smart Automation Campaigns (Email Text, Voicemails) based on call outcomes.

  • Internal push Notifications via Email, Text, Phone, Desktop & Mobile App so everyone in your team is informed.

  • One central CRM for your team to manage everything easily in one place.

One Time In-House Build-Out Fee


Running Costs

CRM: $97 per month

Calling agent: $0.28 per minute

SMS: ~ $0.07 per sms

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to your frequently asked questions.

How do you ensure this is compliant?

None of this is legal advice (do your own due diligence). For handling inbound calls where the customer calls you, this has always been fully legal.

With outbound calls however, the FCC has recently passed a law ruling that states AI calls are now considered Robocalls.

What it means is - as long as you only call leads who have given you consent to call them, it is completely legal.We think this is a good thing for our industry because it stops or reduces voice scams and unwanted calls being made.

If the requirement is for HIPAA, then we have a setting that ensures calls in that campaign are made while being fully HIPPA compliant while safeguarding sensitive information.

What Kind Of Support Do You Provide?

We'll set up a dedicated slack channel to handle all your queries as fast as possible. We're also building an easy-to-navigate tutorial library for quick answers to your questions.

How do you manage avoiding misinformation with AI?

We will give the AI very clear guardrails to work within. We'll also build out a knowledge base specific to your brand. That way, the AI caller can refer back to that information in real time and answer customer questions.

If they don't know the answer, we'll trigger the AI to bring the conversation to a smooth close, while promising the prospect about coming back with an answer.

I don't want to change the way we work. How much change will this need?

In a nutshell, you'll only have to make small changes (if any). Our CRM is built to integrate with how businesses are already working. Rather than forcing them to change. That's why we wither have direct integrations with other apps you use like gmail, slack, Hubspot, etc. If not, we can use third party apps like Zapier to cover pretty much any other software you might already be using.

How Do I Get Started?

Sign up for a free Demo call to find out if there is a fit. We guarantee results. So it's in our interest that we only take on clients we know will succeed with this. If at the end of the demo, there's a good fit, we'll show you how to get started.

I'm not sure how human the AI caller will sound

AI generated voice callers have a bad reputation of sounding robotic, lacking in emotion and having weird delays between answers.

We've been working hard at resolving these issues - there by resulting in an AI voice that sounds much more human than ever before. Check out our sample recordings to find out yourself.

Ready To Close More Deals?

Schedule A Free Demo Now!

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Site owned by: Cliff Coelho, 8 Russell Street, Everton Park, Brisbane, Australia, 4053

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Instagram website or Meta, Inc or the Google website or Google, LLC or Alphabet Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way, or the Google website or Google, LLC. or Alphabet Inc. Facebook is a trademark of Meta, INC

Disclaimer: Earnings, income and results representations made by Presell With AI are inspirational only. The results are not typical and will vary. They should not be considered a promise of future earnings. Results can vary depending on your industry, your offer, your overall marketing strategy, past experience, sales process, past case studies, and brand authority among other factors. Our systems and programs give you the tools and frameworks to maximise the potential of what you already have. And make it unreasonable for you to not succeed. But ultimately, there is no replacement for putting in the work. Hence we can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results or increase your earnings. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you are not willing to accept that, then this is not for you.